Beverly Therapists - Free "We Welcome Diversity" Poster

we welcome diversity of race, culture, spirituality, gender, identity, ability, and orientation downloadable poster pdf


Artwork created by Beverly Therapists

You'll want to download (and share) this beautiful poster created by Beverly Therapists. 

Text on poster

"We welcome diversity of race, culture, spirituality, gender, identity, ability, and orientation

We seek to provide a safe and inclusive space for all

We reject intolerance and any form of degradation, hurt, or abuse

We commit in words and actions, to uphold the rights of all to feel safe, valued, and respected

Within this space, love, peace, and understanding unify us"

About Beverly Therapists

Beverly Therapists are a group of psychotherapists, each with their own private practice, working together in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago.

We cannot heal and improve that which we ignore:  Getting help and support is a strength. Beverly Therapists is a unique community of heart-centered mental health professionals with a common goal of helping you heal and grow.

Places to follow and support Beverly Therapists: