Partial client list of Government Agencies and Offices that have enjoyed Diversity Beans
628 ABW Equal Opportunity |
Administrative Office of the Courts, Fair Practices Department |
Alabama Tourism and Travel |
American Federation of Government Employees |
American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters |
Americorps |
Army & Air Force Exchange Services |
Army National Guard |
Bay Area Rapid Transit |
Bureau of Prisons - FMC Lexington |
Bureau of Reclamation CA |
Bureau of Reclamation NV |
Bureau of Reclamation Yuma |
Burke Co. Board of Education |
California Association of Social Responsibility Agencies |
California Department of Parks & Recreation |
California Human Development |
California State Parks |
Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center |
Citizens Unity Commission |
City and County of Denver |
City of Atlanta |
City of Aurora Community Relations |
City of Bellevue - Parks |
City of Bloomington |
City of Claremont |
City of Colorado Springs |
City of Columbus |
City of Concord |
City of Coral Springs |
City of Dickinson |
City of Fountain Utilities |
City of Hampton |
City of Lansing - HR Department |
City of Lauderhill |
City of Norfolk Department of Utilities |
City of North Las Vegas |
City of Surprise |
City of Tempe |
City of Thomasville |
City of Topeka |
City of Virginia Beach |
Clayton County Water Authority |
Cobb Chamber of Commerce |
Coconino County Department of Health |
Colorado Department of Transportation |
Colorado Judicial Branch |
Colorado Springs Utilities |
Cosumnes Community Services District |
Courts Administration Service |
Dallas Area Rapid Transit |
Delaware National Guard |
Denver Human Resources |
Department of Citywide Administrative Services |
Department of Human Services |
Department of Interior |
Department of Labor & Industry |
Downers Grove Township Human Services |
East Brunswick Department on Aging |
Education Programs and Services Branch |
EEO Office Ft. Bragg |
Eighth Army G33 |
El Dorado Correctional Facility |
Ela Township Social Work |
Ellsworth Correctional Facility |
Environmental Defense Fund |
Equal Opportunity Office |
Federal Bureau of Investigations |
Federal Bureau of Prisons |
Federal Reserve Board of Governors |
Federal Trade Commission |
First 5 Kings County |
Florida Commission on Human Relations |
Florida Munical Power Agency |
Freeport Fire Rescue |
Fulton County Human Services |
Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board |
Hall County Board of Health |
Hall County Government |
Hampton Roads Sanitation District |
Hillsborough County |
Houston Public Library |
Howard County Office of Human Rights and Equity |
Human Rights Commission |
Hunterdon Developmental Center |
Internal Revenue Service |
Jefferson County DA |
JFHQ Delaware National Guard |
Kansas Department of Commerce |
Kansas Department of Corrections |
Kansas National Guard |
Lakewood Board of Education |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Louisiana Department of Education |
Lutheran Social Services |
Marine Corp Air Station |
Marine Corp Base E.O.A. |
Maryland Courts |
Maryland Judiciary, Administrative Office of the Courts |
Maryland Tranportation Authority |
Massachusetts Department of Education |
McLean County Unit Dist. 5 |
Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Lucas County |
MI Army National Guard |
MI Department of Civil Rights |
Mid-Continent Public Library |
Minnesota DOT |
MN Human Rights Dept. |
MSD of Wayne Township |
National Gaurd |
National Government Services |
National Park Service |
National Reconnaissance Office |
Nebraska National Gaurd |
NJ Division of Senior Affairs |
NM Workers Compensation Office |
Nordonia Hills Board of Education |
North Carolina DOT |
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity |
Omaha Public Power District |
Oregon PERS |
Oregon Public Utility Commission |
Pennsylvania CareerLink |
Peoria Regional Office of Education |
Pikes Peak Library District |
Port Washington Public Library |
Pueblo Human Relations Commission |
Ramsey County JDC |
Ripley County Extension Office |
San Luis Valley Board of Coop Services |
School Board of Broward County |
Securities & Exchange Commission |
Social Services Agency, Santa Clara County |
Social Services PAFT |
Solano County |
Springfield Board of Education |
Stephenson County Health Department |
Summit Board of Education |
SW MN Opportunity Council Head Start |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
The City of Bellevue |
Timbers Lake Job Corps |
Town of Colmar Manor |
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority |
US Air Force |
US Air Force Academy |
US Air National Guard |
US Army |
US Army Corps of Engineers |
US Army Recruiting Command |
US Bankruptcy Court |
US Bureau of Reclamation |
US Department of Agriculture |
US Department of the Interior |
US Department of Treasury |
US Department of Veteran's Affairs |
US Deptartment of Labor OSHA |
US District Court |
US International Trade Commission |
US Marines |
US Patent and Trademark Office |
US Postal Service |
US Securities and Exchange Commission |
Utah Department of Transportation |
Village of Matteson |
Village of Skokie |
Wake County North Carolina |
Washington Corrections Center |
Weld Library District |
West Texas HIDTA |
Wichita Area Chamber of Commerce |
Wisconsin Department of Revenue |
Wyoming Department of Corrections |